
STERIONIZER™ Effi­cacy Tests

The table below indi­cates effi­cacy test­ing of the STERIONIZER™ (bi-polar ion­izer) that was car­ried out in col­lab­o­ra­tion with research orga­ni­za­tions globally.

Harm­ful Substance Sub­stance Name Test­ing Organization Removal Year
Bac­te­ria Escherichia Coli EMSL Ana­lyt­i­cal, USA 99% 2011
Escherichia Coli ATCC Istanbul University, Turkey 91% 2011
Staphylococcus aureus EMSL Ana­lyt­i­cal, USA 81% 2011
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Istanbul University, Turkey 99% 2011
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) EMSL Analytical, USA 99% 2013
Fun­gus Aspergillus Niger EMSL Analytical, USA 97% 2011
Candida albicans EMSL Analytical, USA 97% 2011
Dichobotrys abundans Prof. Joe F. Boat­man, USA 90% 2006
Penicillium Prof. Joe F. Boat­man, USA 95% 2011
Mold Cla­dospo­rium cladosporioides EMSL Ana­lyt­i­cal, USA 36% 2011
Spore Bacil­lus sub­tilis var niger Istan­bul Uni­ver­sity, Turkey 2011 89% 2011
Virus Influenza H1N1 Kitasato Research Cen­ter, Japan 99% 2011
Influenza H5N1 Kaset­sart Uni­ver­sity, Thailand 99% 2011
Influenza SARS-CoV-2, aerosolized Innovative Bioanalysis, USA 99% 2021
Influenza SARS-CoV-2, surface Innovative Bioanalysis, USA 99% 2021

Note: The test scenarios were designed to observe the ability of negatively and positively charged ions to have a quantifiable effect on pathogens. The studies were done in a small sized environment to control as many variables as possible. When the system is applied to different sized environments, the results will scale with variables present and the ion concentration present. Room size, occupancy rating, how many units are being used, air velocity, furniture, and amount of pathogen in the air will all play a significant factor in the efficacy of the system which cannot be determined based on the outcome of these test reports. Air moves differently in all spaces and as humans interact with the environment, they can change subtle movements of airflow. These studies showed the efficacy of ionization and the ability to reduce a pathogens activity in the air.

Filt Air makes no claims to the overall efficacy of any SterionizerTM product. The experiment results are solely applicable to the device used in the trial in a small sized environment.